Contributed to Web Designer #225

If you happen upon an issue of Web Designer magazine issue 225, why not grab a copy. For one, it's always got some great content, but issue 225 contains a sprinkling of myself within it as I've had two mini tutorials published from a super hero team up between myself and Matt Gifford, who provided me with the opportunity in the first place.

Say Hello to Node.js

The main theme of the issue is building HTML5 based games, but if you checkout the bottom right hand corner of the front cover, you'll see that there's also a feature article on Node.js. This is one I contributed to by writing two of the short tutorials.

Photo of the article introduction

Reading the small print

Unfortunately the magazine missed out on the opportunity of a sales boost from having my beautiful face gracing it's pages. Instead you'll find my name tucked away on the contributors list on page 4.

Photo of my name in the contributor listing

Get yourself an issue!

Don't expect any spoilers, if you want to see the complete article then go and grab yourself a copy of Web Designer Magazine issue 225. Apart from taking a walk to your local shop who may sell a copy, there are a few other ways to get one:

More to come?

Hopefully! I really enjoyed working with Matt on the article and the challenges involved. I've no idea what my chances are of getting a similar opportunity again when it comes to a magazine but I'll probably look at posting more on my blog and perhaps trying to submit some tutorials to some of the popular sites out there.


David Boyer
David Boyer

Full-stack web developer from Cardiff, Wales. With a love for JavaScript, especially from within Node.js.
